Alvik underground railwaystation  l Handicapinstitute  l Karolinska Hospital  l Söder Hospital    


"The whites"
Idea and concept: A vast roof-terrace with gravel, which cannot be visited only viewed through the windows of a restaurant must be the perfect spot for one beautiful landscape to ponder upon during lunch or dinner, but where? Maybe a Greek scenery, where the early art of healing began.
Column, capitals, steps of stone and a socle of a statue from a Nike-temple, tranported all the way to the Baltic coast with the spirit of time. In this country these element are called white since they have been washed and transformed by the cold waves of the Baltic Sea. Now the scenes of the Nordic landscape are reflected in the hopital's sandy seaside.
The elements are made of glass-fibre and marble-concrete, 0,5 - 2 centimetres thick

The white tree points it's finger towards the sky like the finger of a brave teacher. Height 3.5 metres.
The white stone lies patiently asthe brai of a wise man. 1 x 1.5 x 1.2 m.

Foto: Eddie J Koda        Landscape from restaurang >
The white moon glows with a blue light as the computer's perfect circle and rings for the triumph's of technology.1,5 x1,8 x 0,6 m.

The white field rests along the welcoming seashore. 7 x 4 x 0.6 m.

            Copyright © 2007 Absolute Z computer cooperation  
         Ateljé: Gåshällsvägen 1. 121 56 Johanneshov  Sweden.    www.h-n-koda.se